29 juni 2018

Bezoek uit Amerika aan cbs de Huve


Dear people,

Thank you very much for allowing me to visit your school “de Huve” in Almelo. It was a unique opportunity for me to observe a school from another country and hopefully bring back some of the creative ideas that are being used at de Huve.  The children were excited to share information about how they use the tablet for their learning. They are able to work at their own pace, receiving help from the teacher if needed, or continuing to the next level once they  have finished. The fact that the students may choose their own schedules each week and must explain the work to their parents every 6 weeks, allows children to be responsible for their own learning. I feel this is very important and motivates students to do their best work.

Technology is an important part of our lives and it is exciting to see it being used in school, with students so young as well as older students.                    Thank you again!!

Cindy Belshe, Community School Cumberland